How Businesses Can Make the Best Use of Social Media – Part One

2 min read
Nov 15, 2018 11:48:15 AM

Companies around the world have different ways of trying to get customers to buy their products. Many use social media to reach people and convince them that their product is the best. Social media has expanded and millions of people log on every day to update their status or post a message. Technology has influenced society, especially in the business world. Professionals on the go can easily use their Smartphones and text anywhere in the world. Many social media platforms are available, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, where many people share information about themselves. They can now let the world know what they are thinking, feeling and also products they are buying. It is also an important way for companies to reach millions of people to get their business.

            Companies in Europe use social media for many different reasons. The United Kingdom company, BP Oil and Gas, uses technology to improve their image after their well publicized oil spill. It is also a good way to increase brand awareness and get information out about new products and services. They can communicate with their customers while trying to get new customers. The Nestle Company in Switzerland spends millions of dollars each year in advertising but the use of social media has been a more economical way to reach people and promote their products.  HSBC Bank in the UK also has increased their market value by using technology, but there is still more that these companies can do.

An idea is to post IM messages that tell customers about product updates and specials. They can also announce new products or company news. Allowing consumers to express their opinion and respond to posts will increase the activity on the sites and Facebook is a good platform to get the word out for people to react to. These are just a few ways that social media can help twenty-first century businesses all over the world to keep pace with the times. Every corporation should have a media consultant to make sure that this important means of communication is used to maximum effect. It doesn’t have to be just when there is a crisis but even when things are going well, companies should use social media to promote their product and project a positive image of their company in the best way possible. It is an inexpensive way to keep a company current in the twenty-first century.

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