Communicating Responsibly in the Workplace

1 min read
Nov 3, 2020 11:22:57 AM

There are many responsibilities that go with communicating in the workplace. Emails and texts have to be written clearly with correct grammar and punctuation to prevent any confusion. The word choice has to be accurate so there are no misinterpretations. People are well aware of how electronic messages can be misunderstood if not expressed accurately. The most obvious result is that the message could confuse the recipient and they could do something that damages the company. Employees often don’t take the time to clarify poorly written work emails or texts. It is always best to make sure electronic messages in the workplace are written accurately.

Another problem that can result from poorly written electronic communication in the workplace is it can reflect negatively on the person sending the message. A person in a leadership position wants to be respected and trusted by the people who work for them. When an employee receives an email or text from their manager that is written poorly, it results in a lack of confidence and trust. It can also make the employee nervous because they may not be comfortable questioning the communication. Employers are often annoyed when they learn of their mistakes from an employee.

Proper electronic communication in the workplace is essential for clarity of purpose and professionalism. An employer wants to make sure their emails and texts are clear so that all necessary procedures are done correctly and there are no misinterpretations. They also want to earn the respect of their employees by using correct English and grammar in all electronic communication. It is an essential requirement of anyone in a leadership position who chooses to communicate through email and text. Make sure to proofread every message sent and correct any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. The recipient should always clarify any statements that could be misinterpreted or misunderstood to avoid taking responsibility for another person’s mistake.

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