Application Lifecycle Management

1 min read
Mar 19, 2019 7:49:47 AM

Security is of primary importance in this age of rogue cyber infiltration and that is why a complete Application Lifecycle Management tool is necessary to keep business software secure so that engineering center servers cannot be compromised. Application lifecycle management, or ALM, is an integrated system of people, processes, and tools that manage the life of an application from concept to retirement. It includes software governance, development and maintenance. The benefits of ALM are that it provides specific direction along with speed and agility. It can also help with making better business decisions.

Security should not be the last consideration when putting together software for server application protection. Security should be a consideration at every phase of development. Choose the best Application Lifecycle Management tool according to the organization’s use case, which depends on where the main problems are with their process. Testing preparation has to be a priority when designing or working on a new product. Security testing and scanning a codebase for security flaws before releasing the product just makes good sense. Making better use of the Application Security Requirements and Threat Management tools that are currently available will further strengthen the security of applications in the cloud and beyond.

In the wake of the recent major breaches that have occurred, especially at Target and Equifax, testing programs during the development stage of their software programs might have saved them a great deal of money and time while preventing loss of business. It is a priority because implementing security measures after a program is already running can be too late. Many now believe that the software testing component of an Application Lifecycle Management program is the most important consideration when developing new software applications.

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