Reacting to the Unexpected at Work

1 min read
Sep 3, 2021 12:29:42 PM

One thing we have learned over the past year or two is how to prepare for the unexpected. Just when everything seemed to be getting back to normal, the world continued to spin into endless turmoil. Yet, people still went about their business every day with the idea that somehow everything was going to work out. That’s great, although it is important to have a plan that protects you against the anxiety and stress that can be experienced under these conditions. Conflict at work can also take you by surprise and cause you to react in ways that you might later regret. There are several things you can do to reduce pressure and cope more easily with unexpected everyday challenges at work and beyond.

The first thing to remember is to think before reacting. When something doesn’t go your way, consider taking a step back to reflect on the situation before responding. After you have taken a few minutes to calm down, it may resolve itself. A negative reaction might increase tension and make matters worse. Next is to have a road map to self preservation. Whether that is taking a break, going for a walk or talking to a friend, having options will make a difference in how you respond to an unexpected stressful incident at work. We also tend to inflate situations to be more important than they really are, so a reality check might help you to calm down. The amount of stress we put ourselves under can be overwhelming, especially when the unexpected happens at work. Having a plan will help you stay prepared, focused and relaxed.

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