Summer: Great Time to Rest and Recharge

1 min read
Jul 8, 2021 3:08:58 PM

After a year of seclusion and uncertainty, everyone is ready for a break. Many people are back to work this summer, but everyone should find some time to rest and reflect on a very trying year. It’s not enough to just carry on like nothing happened, because Covid had a profound effect on everyone. Even if you were lucky enough to avoid getting the virus, the constant stress and uncertainty left us all with frayed nerves and sleepless nights. Most of us knew somebody directly affected by the virus and it took a physical and mental toll on everyone. That’s why it’s important to take the time this summer to give yourself a chance to reflect, recover and recharge.

Everyone needs some downtime to think about what happened and how the world has changed since Covid. What did we learn and what could have been done differently? People were constantly stressed and didn’t how they were going to have enough food and pay their bills. That fear leaves a mark and people need some time to process it in order to move on without fear or regret. If you still aren’t sleeping normally and are irritable, the chances are you haven’t been able to shake the effect Covid had on all of us. That’s why it’s important to find time this summer to rest, so you can plan the best way to move forward after this life-changing experience.

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