Why are Soft Skills so Important to Develop?

1 min read
Sep 25, 2018 1:07:26 PM

We’ve heard of hard skills and soft skills. We have also spent a lot of time in our careers learning and developing them. To be successful, both should be present. There is a lot of emphasis on ‘hard skills’, the skills needed to perform a job. It is a skill that provides evidence that your job is being carried out. Those just starting their careers may have had a great deal of practice with ‘hard skills’ through internships and training, but it is important to remember that soft skills can’t easily be taught, and they can’t easily be measured.

There is one undeniable truth: hard skills will only take the job so far.

One example of this is a salesperson. Interpersonal skills are a must when a deal needs to be closed. Spouting numerous facts about a car won’t get the deal done and keep that customer coming back. It’s the relationship that will.

Your talent can also be found in your employees that are motivated and driven to improve. These skills are more difficult to learn, but they are what differentiates one team member from another. Many employers are driving a culture of teamwork and collaboration. Without these skills, your culture won’t thrive.

Soft skills examples:

Communication & Collaboration

Critical Thinking & Leadership

Teamwork & Positive Attitude




The list continues…

Another thought to keep in mind is that we are well on our way to an automated world. Robots and AI are becoming more common in factory settings and are making their way into each type of profession. That means hard skills are also becoming automated. However, it is hard to teach a piece of metal how to be empathetic, create new ideas, problem-solve, and be positive. This means that soft skills are becoming more relevant the further we progress.

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