Thanksgiving is a Time to Reflect, Appreciate and Give Back

1 min read
Nov 5, 2021 3:05:51 PM

Thanksgiving is meant to be more than a vacation, football and food. Yes, it is nice to have some time to share a meal with family and friends. The football is fine, if you like football, and there is no doubt that a turkey dinner with all the fixings is great. Besides that, what does Thanksgiving really mean? The Pilgrims were just happy that they found a place to live, so giving thanks seemed logical, but today people often take all that for granted. So in the midst of a pandemic that is dragging on and the financial instability it has caused for many, take time to reflect and appreciate what you have this Thanksgiving and give back if you can.

If that means donating to the less fortunate or serving dinner in a soup kitchen that is up to you, but at some point helping those who have nothing might give you even more of a reason to appreciate what you have. You have worked hard to get where you are, so you deserve to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving, but don’t think that everyone who is poor deserves it. People can be left with nothing through no fault of their own and they often have nowhere to turn. So give thanks for what you have this Thanksgiving and lend a helping hand to those in need to make a real difference in their lives and yours.

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