Digital Communication in the Workplace (Part 2)

1 min read
Dec 2, 2020 3:06:07 PM

Proper electronic communication in the workplace is essential for clarity of purpose and professionalism. An employer wants to make sure their emails and texts are clear so that all necessary procedures are done correctly and there are no misinterpretations. They also want to earn the respect of their employees by using correct English and grammar in all electronic communication. It is an essential requirement of anyone in a leadership position who chooses to communicate through email and text. They should make sure to proofread every message sent and correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Discuss and clarify any statements that could be misinterpreted or misunderstood. It is in their best interest and for the benefit of the company they represent to make sure electronic messages are written accurately and interpreted correctly.

This problem can negatively affect an employee even after they leave the company. It is always crucial to have a quality reference from your former employer when being considered for a new job. The fallout from a misunderstood and poorly written recommendation can cost you the opportunity. If your former boss emails the potential employer a reference with misspelled words and grammar errors, you are in a difficult situation. Even if you have other references, a properly written one from your most recent employer is important if you are serious about getting the job. Careless employer writing skills can have a negative impact even after you leave.

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