Should You Implement A Dress Code If Your Team Works From Home?

1 min read
Feb 3, 2023 4:39:56 PM

It’s been a few years since many companies moved to a hybrid or remote work model, but there are still plenty of questions business owners have as they navigate this new territory! You might have few questions about dress code and if you should require your employees to dress up, even if they are working from home. To help answer this question, the first tip we would have for you is to make sure any policies and procedures you are expecting your employees to follow is written down. We call this an employee handbook. (Check out one of our earlier blog posts about the ‘Three Questions a Highly Effective Employee Handbook Should Answer.’)

Setting your expectations right from the start is essential in helping your employees understand what is expected from them each and every workday. Be sure to include a Dress Code  so that your team has policy with clear expectations to refer to. We also have written a few thoughts on the importance of a dress code. Check it out here.

A dress code often sets a standard that goes beyond how an employee looks. It sends a non-verbal message to your team and your clients. While you and your team may be alone in a home office for a good portion of the work day, there are still plenty of times when you may be in a meeting or are required to be on camera during a virtual meeting or presentation. It is during these times that a dress code can come in handy, but you may want to consider when this policy should be implemented off camera too.

In short, business owners should consider a dress code even if the team is working remotely. A dress code sets clear standards for each and every work day, even if it’s to state that pajamas are NOT acceptable during a virtual meeting. If you do decide to implement a dress code, be sure to be clear about your expectations so employees can follow along.

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