Incorporating Scheduling Flexibility Without Sacrificing Accountability

2 min read
May 5, 2018 6:01:28 AM

Flexible work environments are becoming increasingly popular as flexible work schedules allow employees to balance their work and life. Employees have a sense of control as they are in control of when they work and even where they work from. However, fear of accountability loss looms over many employers. Incorporating flexible schedules in your workplace does not mean accountability is at risk.

Policies and Procedures

The first step to keeping accountability in a flexible work environment seems very simple: hold your employees accountable with guidelines, policies and procedures.  When goals and expectations are clear, you’ll have fewer questions as to whether or not someone is performing their job to satisfaction.  In fact, think about it: if you assign someone a task and they perform it exceptionally well, does it really matter where they performed it or when?  Flexible schedules mean your employees could be determining their own hours, having shorter work weeks, or remotely working. No matter the case, as long as there are strong guidelines, you can be assured you’ll receive high quality work.

Flexible Scheduling Might Give You Better Quality Work

People have different work habits and are effective at different times of the day and in different locations.  Therefore, sitting at a desk surrounded by other employees might not be the most effective and productive environment for all of your employees.  Some people might do their best work first thing in the morning, when their willpower is highest. Others might find they can concentrate better when they are outside or even in their cars.

Determine # of Hours and Hold to That Schedule

Correctly determining the number of hours your employees work is vital for a flexible schedule to operate. The larger the workplace, the harder it may feel to determine how many hours your employees are putting in, especially if they are on a flexible schedule. Using technology allows you to monitor accurately and with detail, the time your employees have put in. Your employee may be offsite, but with technology, they are always connected.

Practicing a flexible work environment is a positive way to allow your employees to manage their own time. Employees are seeking flexible work hours and environments now more than ever. With your employees having control over their own time, they are happier and healthier. You’ll find more productivity in your employees. Employees who have a positive outlook on the company they work for, they are more inclined to put in a few extra hours. Flexibility does not mean you’ve lost accountability.

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